Grow your app

Apporb - Grow Your App

Apporb - Grow Your App, is designed to provide marketing support for app developers. The goal is to automate most app publishing and marketing activities so developers can perform them in seconds.


Translation Management
Translation management for description, whatsNew, promotional text and keywords in app store.
Screenshot Generation
Screenshot generation for App Store and Play Store in the suitable resolutions.
Simple but elegant screenshot templates.
Marketing Media
Marketing image generation for various social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. (In progress)
Push Notifications
Firebase push notification testing for android and iOS apps.
Review Manage
Read all the reviews and respond to them individually.
App Info Management
App info update with name, subtitle and privacy policy link.
Icon Generations
(Only Android) App Icon generation in different resolutions for android and export them in the correct directory.:white_check_mark: